IDB Group Country Start-up Workshop in Kyrgyz Republic, 5-6 April 2017
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The Islamic Development Bank Group conducted the Country Start-up Workshop in Bishkek, 5-6 April 2017. The Workshop was attended by 40 representatives from the key ministries and state entities of the Kyrgyz Republic. The Country Start-up Workshop was inaugurated by H.E. Minister of Transport and Roads of the Kyrgyz Republic, who appreciated the commendable role of the Islamic Development Bank Group in assisting the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic in pursuing its socio-economic developmental agenda.
The Islamic Development Bank Group portfolio in Kyrgyz Republic has grown in the recent years and represents now 61 projects and operations with total IDB Group financing amount of US$ 323.6 million. It is critically important now to sustain the implementation of the active portfolio and keep local authorities familiar with the IDB Policy and Procedures. The Country Start-up Workshop is tasked to enhance the capacity of the concerned authorities. The workshop provided detailed information on the Islamic Development Bank Group, its Policy and Procedures, modes of financing, project cycle, procurement guidelines for selection of consultancy services and selection of suppliers/contractors for goods and works, and financial and legal procedures.
It merits highlighting that the Bank has approved recently three new projects, namely: North-South Alternative Highway Project, Sarymsak Irrigation Scheme Development Project, Rural Water Supply and Sanitation Improvement Project. All loan agreements have been signed. The Government of Kyrgyz Republic is finalizing the relevant procedures to ratify the loan agreements with the IDB Group. The brief information of the above three projects is provided below:
- North-South Alternative Highway Project. The IDB loan amount is US$ 12 mln. The main objective of the Alternative North South Highway from Balykchy to Jalal-Abad is connecting the northern and southern regions of the country. The road would have a strategic, economic and social significance for the country as it would reduce transportation routes, shorten the travel distance between Bishkek and Osh by 300 km, and consequently, the cost of passenger and cargo transportation from southern regions to Naryn and Issyk-Kul oblasts North of the country. This project is to be co-financed with the Saudi Development Fund (US$ 20 mln) and parallel financed with the Asian Development Bank (US$ 35 mln).
- Sarymsak Irrigation Scheme Development Project. The project’s financing will supported by the Islamic Development Bank Group and Islamic Solidarity Fund for Development resources. Total loan amount US$ 13.25 The main objective of the project is to improve the living conditions of the rural communities, alleviate poverty, contribute to the national food security and enable regional economic development. The project is designed to improve water supply to around 3,600 ha irrigated lands for agriculture production through reconstruction and upgrading Sarymsak irrigation system in Kara-Bura district of Talas region.
- The Rural Water Supply and Sanitation Improvement Project. The project’s financing will supported by the Islamic Development Bank Group and Islamic Solidarity Fund for Development resources. Total loan amount is US$ 20 million. The Project development objective is to assist the Kyrgyz Republic to improve access and quality of water supply in target rural communities, improve sanitation services primarily in schools, and health centers in the selected villages in Jalal-Abad region and strengthen capacity of institutions in the water supply and sanitation sector. It is expected that as a result of the project about 78,000 people leaving in rural areas of Jalal-Abad region will benefit from project intervention. This project is to be jointly financed with the World Bank who is financing similar activities in in Chui, Osh, and Issyk-Kul regions of the Kyrgyz Republic (US$ 23.5 mln).
The Kyrgyz Republic joined the Islamic Development Bank membership in November 1993. The country is also member to Islamic Corporation for the Development of Private Sector. The Government of Kyrgyz Republic is considering for the membership to the Islamic Trade Finance Corporation and Islamic Corporation for Insurance and Export Credit. Since becoming the IDB member the Islamic Development Bank has facilitated the bilateral cooperation of the Kyrgyz Republic with the members of the Coordination Group, which is represented by the Saudi Development Fund, Kuwait Fund for Arab Economic Development, Abu Dabi Fund for Development, OPEC Fund for International Development and Qatar Fund for Development. The Islamic Development Bank has assisted in organization of several round table meetings and co-financiers meetings of the Coordination Group in Kyrgyz Republic, which culminated in multi-million dollars influx from the Arab funds to the economic development of the Kyrgyz Republic.